
The Garden is actively rounding up volunteers year-round for various projects and events at the venue. Because we grow in a lot of different ways at The Garden, we have a variety of needs. Thank you for expressing your desired to get involved in your community! Volunteering is a great way to make new friends - not to mention a way to show love to others. STUDENTS - if your school requires you to get community service and/or volunteer hours, we have ample opportunities to plug you in here at The Garden!

Just a Few of Our Areas of Need

  • Helping at Night Market events

  • Being a workshop instructor for a creative boot camp

  • Urban garden upkeep

  • Litter cleanup around our venue

  • Collecting food, clothes, toys and other items for local shelters

  • Seeking out donations from local businesses and individuals for furniture, urban garden supplies, art supplies and more


Apply Now

If you have any questions, please contact our Creative Director.