
The Garden accepts applications from solo and group musicians for our Night Market events as well as other pop-up events throughout the year. The Garden utilizes a variety of local, regional, national and international solo and group acts for our public events. We accept submissions from composers and sound artists of all types in all stages of their careers. We are picky about the quality of musicians at our venue.

Who are some of the musicians who have performed at The Garden?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form so we can clearly understand your music, style and needs. The following form is NOT a contract, it is an application for consideration and is a detail-gathering document. Contact us with any questions and concerns. There is no deadline to apply. Just remember that the early bird gets the worm and most positions are filled by March.

Application Fee
There is a mandatory application fee of $25 per musician submission. Why? Let’s start with three reasons: we want to make sure you’re not flippantly looking into performing at The Garden, we pay musicians to play and we pay licensing fees to protect and provide royalties to songwriters. Musicians will not be booked (nor considered for booking) until the application fee is paid in full by clicking HERE.


Apply Now

If you have any questions, please contact us.